LemonHead Candy
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LemonHead Candy (History, Flavors, Pictures & Commercials)

LemonHead candy is a tart about the size of a gumball. LemonHead candy was first invented in the year 1962 and has become popular for its sour and sweet taste. LemonHead is vaguely shaped like a lemon and is yellow in color and is one of the oldest American candy still in production. Lemonheads pack…

Laffy Taffy
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Laffy Taffy (History, Packaging, Pictures & Commercials)

Laffy Taffy is a piece of taffy candy that comes in various flavors. First called Beich’s Caramels, eventually, the candy was renamed Beich’s, Laffy Taffy. This is a generally small candy that is somewhat soft, very chewy. The candy comes individually wrapped, and is a color that helps identify the flavor, such as red for…

Josta Energy Drink
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Josta Energy Drink (History, Pictures & Commercials)

Josta was the first major energy drink marketed in America. Before 1995, no large-scale company has tried to sell an energy drink in the United States. Pepsi, the company that made Josta energy drink, saw an opening and made a move to roll out this new and fascinating drink. Josta energy drink had a somewhat…

Jolly Ranchers
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Jolly Ranchers (History, Pictures & Commercials)

Jolly Ranchers are colorful small candies and are a type of hard candy. Jolly Rancher comes in a variety of different colors and flavors. They were first made in the year 1949, and since then new flavors and spin-off products for Jolly Rancher have been produced. This candy has enjoyed some popularity since its release,…

Jack Link's Beef Jerky
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Jack Link’s Beef Jerky (History, Types & Pictures)

Jack Link’s Beef Jerky is a brand of popularly styled beef and meat products named the founder of the company. The meat in Jack Link’s Beef Jerky is said to use the founder’s great-grandfather’s Old World recipes. Jack Link’s comes in many different styles, such as teriyaki, original, and peppered versions. Jack Link’s brand also…

Hot Tamales
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Hot Tamales (History, Flavors & Pictures)

Hot Tamales is a cinnamon-flavored candy introduced in the year 1950. These candies produce a burst of heat when eaten, are oblong in shape, and have come in several different varieties. They are red in color, chewy, and come as small pill-shaped candies that are included in large amounts inside their packaging. Hot Tamales are…

Hershey Bar
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Hershey Bar (History, Flavors, FAQ & Commercials)

The Hershey Bar is a candy bar made of chocolate. A rather simple candy, the normal Hershey Bar is considered the milk chocolate variety, and despite being a rather simple, if not plain, chocolate bar, the Hershey’s Bar is considered a classic and is the flagship candy bar for an entire corporation that surrounds this…