Australian Foods

5 Iconic Australian Foods That Define a Nation’s Flavor

Every culture has its own dishes that are considered iconic — foods that tell us a lot about the country’s traditions and history. One of those unique culinary experiences is indeed Australian cuisine, which stands out with its exotic flavors. Because of the multicultural influences and visitors from all parts of the world, Australian cuisine is full of unforgettable tastes.

Therefore, many travelers visit Australia for a specific purpose: to try the country’s iconic foods. Even if you’re not planning a trip and are looking for new tastes from home to taste something new or improve your cooking skills, trying Aussie recipes is definitely worth trying. In this article, we’ll explore 5 of the most iconic Australian foods that every foodie should try at least once.

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1. Lamingtons


Lamingtons are traditional Aussie sponge cakes with square shapes that are no less, no more — heavenly sweet. Simply put, they are one of the most popular sweet foods in Australia. Usually, this dessert is filled with jam and cream, and the sponge might be covered with chocolate icing with coconut flakes sprinkled around. 

Still, the sweetness of Lamingtons isn’t the only reason why locals adore this dessert. Interestingly, people believe that making this cake can bring luck and prosperity. As a result, locals often snack on this cake during activities where they need to be lucky the most, such as gambling at Australian mobile casinos or even before big events like exams, job interviews, or important family milestones.

In general, Lamingtons are very fluffy, crumbly, and light. Those traits make them a very pleasant dessert. Aussie people tend to eat them while enjoying tea or coffee, but obviously, you try this cake at any time of the day.

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2. Meat Pies

Meat Pies

Meat pies are one of the best pairings with beer and are mostly enjoyed at sports events. But this protein-rich dish is also a great way to start your day if you’re having a hangover from the night out the day before. An Australian version of this meat pie might usually have a filling of beef curry and butter chicken, mixed with gravy and sometimes different vegetables. 

Inside, the meat pie is supposed to be hot and hearty, and on the outside, it should have a flaky pastry covering. Ideally, you can eat this signature Aussie snack with tomato sauce to dip it in. 

3. Kangaroo


No, we’re not talking about adopting a kangaroo as a pet. As strange as it may seem, Australian people do eat kangaroo meat. And with the way it’s cooked, it certainly can be considered iconic. 

Believe it or not, kangaroo meat is one of the healthiest meat types you can try. It contains iron and omega-3, it is low in fat and high in protein, so it’s perfect for those looking for a healthier alternative to beef.

At stores, you can buy kangaroo as a steak, sausage, or just minced. Typically, it is cooked on a grill to a medium-rare level. It can also be eaten as the meat in burgers, which takes the burger taste to a whole different stage.

4. Moreton Bay Bug

Moreton Bay Bug

The Moreton Bay bug is not actually a bug. It’s very similar to lobster, and some people say it tastes better than a lobster, though technically, it’s part lobster and part prawn. Moreton Bay bug is a common dish all over Australia and is known as one of the most eccentric Australian foods. 

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Moreton Bay bugs are often present at fancy dinners on seafood platters, and usually, they’re eaten during lunchtime. They can be cooked in a lot of different ways, for example, barbecued or sizzled in garlicky butter. Moreton Bay bugs can be a discovery for seafood lovers, so if you enjoy seafood, you have a reason to try this unique, delicious food and explore new delicacies.

5. Pavlova


Many people don’t know it, but the famous dessert Pavlova is a proud Australian creation — or at least, that’s what Australians claim. The history of this amazing cake says it was made to honor a famous Russian ballerina, Anna Pavlova, while she was on a tour in Australia and New Zealand in the 1920s. 

The cake has a very soft filling and a meringue crust, which is supposed to be crispy. It is topped with whipped cream and different fruits like bananas, strawberries, kiwi, and passion fruit. Pavlova has another variation too, which is called Pavlova roll. It’s filled with cream and fruits as well, but it’s a more portable version than the original, which makes it even more iconic than it already is.

Bottom Line

As you can see, Australia has some quite interesting foods that are very iconic and fascinating. In general, the dishes of exotic countries can be very unusual and might even seem creepy or weird, but once you taste them, they might become your favorite. To those who plan a trip to Australia or are interested in Australian cuisine, those 5 foods are quite delicious and full of surprising tastes, so you should add them to your list of iconic and eccentric foods to try.

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