St Patrick’s Day Candy

St Patrick’s Day Candy – Traditional Treats & Special Editions

Every year, when March comes and you see green dominating everywhere, everyone knows that St Patrick’s Day is around the corner. People start to wear green clothes and hats. You can see symbols of shamrocks everywhere, and supermarkets are full of St Patrick’s Day candy. Everyone is preparing for the special Irish holiday, which has…

Discontinued Candy
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Discontinued Candy

The candy industry has developed over the years in an important way. People have invented a variety of new candies, but not all of them can stand the test of time. Whether it was the lack of ingredients or just the taste that couldn’t satisfy people, as a result, we have a bunch of discontinued…

Asian Candy

Asian Candy – The Adventure of Flavors

Asian candy stands out due to its nature, taste, and ingredients when compared to the sweets of the rest of the world. Since Asia is an extraordinary continent, it’s not surprising that people from Western countries consider Asian candy something exotic. Therefore, the Asian confectionery industry is like a whole new world, where everything is…

Canadian Candy

Canadian Candy – Best Treats to Follow Your Tastebuds

Canada is a country with a very unique history, traditions, and cuisine. With British, American, and French influences, exceptionally interesting elements are present in the culture. It also had a great effect on the Canadian candy industry.  Follow us to review the history of Canadian candy and find out the best Canadian treats you can…

European Candy

European Candy – Pure Quality & Incredible Taste All in One

Every country has its own unique way of preparing and producing candy. Each of them has developed different techniques for candy making, but what about European candy? You might already have heard about some European countries being the best chocolate manufacturers in the world. But there is much more to discover since Europe combines all…