Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers – Sweet History Of The Most-Loved Childhood Treats

Animal Crackers are cookies that have been around for more than 120 years now. It is still one of the most popular treats among generations and has stood the test of time. Those delicious treats that come in various animal shapes can cure any sweet tooth. Have you ever wondered where animal crackers originated from?…

Candy Beginning With The Letter X

Candy That Starts With X

If you really want a challenge, you should head out and search for candy that starts with X. The fact of the matter is you will have to dig deep to find these candies and you certainly won’t find a lot of options when it comes to candy beginning with the letter X.  Most candy…

Candy Beginning With The Letter M

Candy That Starts With M

Man, it sure is nice to be able to glance at a quick resource and find some really awesome candy choices, right? When it comes to finding candy that starts with M, we’ve got you covered with some really awesome options.  Whether you love Mars candy bars or you want to keep it mild and…

Billy Beer
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Billy Beer – Valuable Drink or Collectors’ Scam?

Have you ever tried collecting things? Then you would know about one of the biggest scams in collectors’ history –  Billy Beer Cans. For many publicans and beer-related antique collectors, old beer bottles and cans are a must when looking for items to fill up their bar. Billy Beer is one of these kinds of…

Candy Beginning with the Letter Q

Candy That Starts With Q

As you’re going through the lists of candy, you will find that some letters are far more popular than others. As we started looking into candy that starts with Q, we found that there are very few that fall into this category.  Normally, we would break down these candy that begins with a certain letter…

Candy Beginning With The Letter O

Candy That Starts With O

Oh, my goodness! You cannot miss any candy that starts with O! You will find that there are many different options. Some of them you might be very familiar with and others you are going to learn about just today. The good news is that whether you like sweet, sour, chocolate, or perhaps even other…

Cola wars

Cola Wars – The Famous Confrontation Between Coca-Cola & Pepsi

What have you heard about the Cola Wars? In today’s world, almost everyone knows that there is a long and ferocious rivalry between Coke and Pepsi. These are two people’s favorite sodas, and both of them strongly hold their place on the market thanks to their loyal customers. But one day, this rivalry will end…

John Pemberton

John Pemberton – Biography of the Iconic Soft Drink “Coca-Cola” Creator

Today, Coca-Cola is considered to be the most famous carbonated soft drink in the world. Coca-Cola remains the drink of choice for billions of people, and it is hard to imagine life without it. Have you ever wondered who managed to create such an iconic drink that rules the world? We have to thank John…